I provide quality translations, work as a writer of clear and relevant information material and as a language consultant. Using professional help is an intelligent way to avoid language mistakes and/or misinvestments.
Translation services are the core of my business. Many people might believe it is a simple matter of translating words from one language to another. Det är kanske sant, men det är inte riktigt så enkelt som det låter. You will find many translation shortcuts but should keep in mind it may end up costing more in the long run.
All written information, technical descriptions and installation guides need content. Det behöver finnas en text där som hjälper dig att sprida information om din produkt eller tjänst. The content needs to be clear and relevant to reach existing and potential customers. In short, correct text is a critical part of company growth.
Language consultating
Do take advantage of my language expertise and that of my international network of language professionals. Det kan vara tillsynes små saker som vilken titel en vd ska ha på sitt engelska visitkort eller hemsida. Det kan också handla om vilka associationer och signaler som ett namn eller en formulering skickar på den internationella marknaden. Or it could be a text that needs to be thoroughly reviewed and edited. Get advice, and avoid expensive language errors and bad investments!